Aditi Ashok was born on 29 March 1998 in Bangalore, Karnataka, in a Karnataka Hindu family. She is just 18 years old. She is an Indian professional golfer who was qualified for the 2016 Rio Olympics. She trains herself under the guidance of Steven Giuliano (Golf coach). She made history by being the youngest and first Indian to win the Lalla Aicha Tour School and … Continue reading ADITI ASHOK

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Pusarla Venkata Sindhu was born on July 5, 1995 (age 21) in Hyderabad to P. V. Ramana and P. Vijaya – both former volleyball players. She eventually started playing badminton from the age of eight. She pursued her education in Sri Venkateswara Bala kuteer, Guntur. Sindhu first learned the basics of the sport with the guidance of Mehboob Ali at the badminton courts of Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications in … Continue reading P.V SINDHU

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The Modern Newspaper Pioneer

For the first post we decide to explore the life of a man for whom news and its dissemination to the masses was his lifelong passion.Joseph Pulitzer was a newspaper editor and publisher who helped set the pattern of the modern newspaper.In his time, he was one of the most powerful U.S. journalists. He was born as Pulitzer József (name order by Hungarian custom) in … Continue reading The Modern Newspaper Pioneer

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